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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Ability to Edit/Add Sections on a Request Form
Would like to Add or Change the names of some of the default sections under the Manage Request Form section
PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...

All ideas

Showing 436 of 436

Google Integration enhancements

I found out that when an event is synced from MLS to google, it will pull the meeting notes when the sync happens. When the meeting notes in google get updated, we don't receive a notification after the sync happens stating there was a change. I a...
Dan Grassel about 15 hours ago in Integrations 0

Confirmation on Screen That Invoice Was Sent

When submitting an invoice, after a request has been approved, by opening up the request and selecting "Send Invoice" from the Actions pulldown, it would be helpful if a message were to pop up on the screen letting me know that the invoice was suc...
David Wilde 1 day ago in Contracts/Invoicing 0 Being Reviewed

Prevent pending events from syncing to the Google Calendar

It has come to our attention that with Google calendar integration, specifically 2 way for us, allows for pending MLS events to sync to the google calendar. We would only like the approved events to be able to sync to the Google calendar. Having p...
Dan Grassel 7 days ago in Calendar / Integrations 0 Being Reviewed

New Field Type - Phone Number

this would act distinctly different from the standard number field typically used for number of tables/chairs, we would want something where we can input the area code and if the phone number does not match 7 (without area code) or 10 digits (with...
Dan Grassel 11 days ago in Fields/Event Types / Request Submission 0 Being Reviewed

Add Additional Text Per Site on Approval Emails

Site Setting for "Additional Notes on Approved Events Email"I would like to be able to list on Custodial Contact information at each building as well as a link to our policies for using our facilities. This would show up at the top of the Approval...
Dan Grassel 18 days ago in Notifications 0 Being Reviewed

In a request that is requesting multiple spaces- and one of those is denied-- put denial i nred

When a requestor requests multiple spaces and most of the spaces are approved, but 1 or more are deied-- to have the denied ones bolded in red. (as sometimes the denied one doesn't' get noticed and a group will show up for a space that is not avai...
Guest 17 days ago in Approval Paths 0 Being Reviewed

Invoice status wave payment

There are scenarios where we wave the fee for the request and would like a status to be able to reflect that within the system. When the fee is waved, we want it to the waved amount to still reflect in the total cost but have it not reflect in the...
Dan Grassel 10 days ago in Contracts/Invoicing 0 Being Reviewed

Make The "Go to ML" link in approval emails go directly to the event in question

Most of the time, my facilities dept. needs to drill into an event, and can't just click the green "Approve" button. They need to go into ML and get a closer look at that event. The "Go to ML..." button only brings them to their home p age. It wou...
ed langone about 1 month ago in General Admin Settings 0 Being Reviewed

Allow Hyperlinking in the request form

We have a form that we need our end users to fill out if they need catering. Right now I can only list the URL in the field question but they need to copy and paste that link into another tab to actually fill out the request form. Being able to hy...
Dan Grassel 22 days ago in Fields/Event Types / Request Pages 0 Being Reviewed

Ability to change the Optional text in a field to something more specific

I am aware that you can change a field to a value where you don't see option but having the ability to let admins pre populate text outside of Optional would be extremely beneficial. Would allow for easier to understand fields and assist our end u...
Dan Grassel 22 days ago in Fields/Event Types / Request Pages 0 Being Reviewed