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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Ability to Edit/Add Sections on a Request Form
Would like to Add or Change the names of some of the default sections under the Manage Request Form section
PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...

All ideas

Showing 23

required terms and conditions

We need to be sure people are actually reading the terms and conditions/Rules and Regs so to make checking off that they read a mandatory field would hold them accountable for following the rules.
Guest 14 days ago in General Admin Settings 3 Already exists

A user cancelling would always notify an admin and/or approver.

Is there a way for me as the person who approves/denies etc all requests to receive an email when a group cancels a request. This happened and I did not receive notification.
Guest 5 months ago in General Admin Settings 3 Already exists

Do not allow users/groups to view draft invoices

We use draft invoices when groups and users need to compile multiple events or the full school year. However, users can view and send themselves the draft invoice. It would be preferred that invoices can only be viewed once sent and under open inv...
Maria Tivoli 4 months ago in Contracts/Invoicing 1 Already exists

Sort by date submitted in "awaiting my approval"

Our district relies heavily on our 15 day requirement for processing. It would be helpful to sort request that were submitted by date so we can be in compliance with our process.
alynda werner 4 months ago in Request Submission 1 Already exists

Report for upcoming Insurance Expiration

I need a report that auto-generates and shows which groups insurance will be expiring in the forthcoming month. I know MLS notifies the groups whose insurance is expiring based on my time settings. I need that report sent to me and other admins on...
Dale Ashauer 5 months ago in Reports 10 Already exists

Available report for insurance not submitted

Need a report to run to know what groups have not submitted insurance yet.
Guest 5 months ago in Reports 3 Already exists

The ability to configure request pages with different questions by Site.

We have multiple buildings using one ML portal. We would like the ability to present different setup questions to users by Site. This would allow for essentially 2 or 3 different setup request forms based on the site.
Omar Davis 2 months ago in Request Pages 1 Already exists

Deposit Invoice

I have yet to find an option to create a deposit invoice for ext orgs using our facilities. We have been slammed with national dance competitions and they are a huge production and we require a deposit. It would be nice to create a deposit invoice...
Ginny Hall 4 months ago in Contracts/Invoicing 1 Already exists

sync events to Google that are in ML Schedules.

I would love to be able to sync ML Schedules with my google calendar so we have reminders on what is going on in our building.
Guest 7 months ago in Calendar 1 Already exists

Allow multiple dates for the same space but different times on a single request

I have a basketball team holding tryouts for two consecutive dates, but with different times on each date. Would like to not have to submit two event requests; maybe there could at least be a "duplicate" option for the additional dates (to copy th...
Guest 5 months ago in Request Submission 1 Already exists