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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...
PINNED Ability to Edit/Add Sections on a Request Form
Would like to Add or Change the names of some of the default sections under the Manage Request Form section

All ideas

Showing 423 of 423

Notify other Users mid Approval Process

We have a 2 step Approval Process. Myself as Facility Manager, and my boss as Administrator. We are both required to Approve events before anyone else is notified. I need to notify my co-workers with my Approval, and not need to wait for my Admini...
Stephen Braun 8 months ago in Approval Paths 1 Future consideration

Add multiple times for events

Would love the ability to add multiple times per day for an event. For example, we have math labs that occur several times a day on Thursday. If I could list the multiple times in the one event it would have been much easier than creating multiple...
Guest 8 months ago in Calendar 0 Future consideration

Min/Max Hours Limit for Spaces

For example, for internal staff, there is no charge but there is a 2-hour limit for the classroom. External users can only book the classroom if it is a minimum of 3 hours. 
Chris Gentile 12 months ago in Locations / Request Submission 0 Future consideration

Configure specific day(s) to flag or notify users that additional charges may apply

We have to continually reach out to folks that have booked events for the school year, but included breaks and holidays. It would be great to flag or prompt a notice stating that custodial charges may apply because hours are different. In most cas...
Chris Gentile 12 months ago in Contracts/Invoicing / Editing/Viewing a Request 0 Future consideration

Approve events window closes after approvals are done

When I go to the events awaiting my approval, and I select multiple events to approve at the same time, after the "# events have been approved" message pops up, could that window automatically close and take me back to the other events waiting for...
Lisa Wagner 8 months ago in Approval Paths 6 Future consideration

Email notification for certain fields

Would it be possible to have an email notifiation sent to us whenever someone creates an event with "food service" selected as a yes?
Guest 8 months ago in Notifications 1 Already exists

Informational page for space fees and maps of facilities

We receive out of district request and requestors are sometimes unaware as to what a space is called causing them to reserve the incorrect spaces. It would be nice to have a page where we can attach maps of our sites with space names and cost per ...
Monica Hernandez 4 months ago in Locations 3 Already exists

Change History Concept on Invoices

There is already a change in history on reservations. I would like to see this on invoices as well so we can see who is changing what and when.
Chris Gentile 12 months ago in Contracts/Invoicing 0 Future consideration

Send notifications to users set up to receive notifications if approval was bypassed

Would like notifications to be sent out to the people set up to get notified if the approval was by passed. Example, as an Admin I enter in schedule requests without going through the "approval" and it didn't send out any notifications to our grou...
Chris Gentile 12 months ago in Notifications 0 Future consideration

Copy Blocked Dates

Having the ablility to copy blocked dates. For schools districts we have different schedules per building, having the ability to duplicate block dates and change the building and time rather than selecting custom blocked dates for each building wo...
Guest 4 months ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 0 Future consideration