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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Ability to Edit/Add Sections on a Request Form
Would like to Add or Change the names of some of the default sections under the Manage Request Form section
PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...

All ideas

Showing 423 of 423

Edit feature for school approvers

Can we limit the editing feature for school admins? I would appreciate if they were not allowed to edit dates and information on external group accounts request. This interferes with our 15 day processing requirement and invoicing charges.
alynda werner 4 months ago in Editing/Viewing a Request 5 Being Reviewed

Be able to sort after grouping column

On Manage Requests, I noticed that when grouping by a column, the date sorting feature no longer works. For example, I am grouping by Date and Event, however the dates only show in Ascending order (olders first). When I click on the Start Date to ...
Chris Gentile 11 months ago in Request Pages 0 Being Reviewed

Would like to be able to add a custom note in "submit a request" step 1

If a user tries to request a space and it shows as unavailable, having a custom note to reach out to someone would benefit the user and the facility. For example, if someone tries to book an athletic field, and it is blocked for general practice/g...
Catherine Cosmo 4 months ago in Request Submission 3 Future consideration

Request Details - Have Additionally Notify Users listed by the Fields they are associated with

When seeing the list of users who are additionally notified because of the space settings, that is easy to verify because we can tell exactly what space they are associated with. With fields, however, we just see the list of users who will be noti...
Chris Gentile 11 months ago in Notifications 0 Future consideration

Estimated Costs page should include hour/rate breakdown

Right now, the estimated costs page breaks down line by line the different costs, which is great, but it only shows the totals. I would love the option to see the rate/hours on this page as well, as well as our end users see that before they place...
Dan Grassel 8 months ago in Contracts/Invoicing / Request Submission 0 Future consideration

ML Schedule Calendar View based on Form selection. For example, If a custodial personal form is selected > The title of the event can have a Colored Dot next to the event.

ML Schedule Calendar View based on Form selection. For example, If a custodial personal form is selected > The title of the event can have a Colored Dot next to the event.
Guest 4 months ago in Calendar 0 Being Reviewed

Max Fee

We have some classifications that are charged hourly and some that are charged a flat fee. The system currently does not allow you to have both fees. It would be great if there was a "Max Fee".
Jessaca Lawrence 8 months ago in Contracts/Invoicing 0 Future consideration

Ability to add Variables to Contracts

Variable Tags such as: %first_name%, %last_name%, %rental_spaces%, %rental_start_datetime%, %rental_end_datetime%, %rental_deposit%, %rental_deposit_due_date%, %rental_total%, %rental_total_due_date%, %group_name%, %group_email%, %group_phone%, %g...
Dan Grassel 8 months ago in Contracts/Invoicing 0 Future consideration

Restart approval

We have multiple admins in some of our approval paths. Is there a way to have a request restart the approval process automatically if an already approved request is changed? (Date, time, site, space, etc) A Building Admin changed the date of an ev...
Casey McMahon 4 months ago in Approval Paths 3 Future consideration

Setup and Breakdown Times longer than Event Times

I need to bill for Setup Times and for Breakdown Times for theatrical events. Setup times can take many hours, while Event times are usually 1 to 2 hours. The ML system will not let me have Setup and Breakdown Times longer than Event Times.
Stephen Braun 8 months ago in Request Pages 0 Future consideration