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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...
PINNED Ability to Edit/Add Sections on a Request Form
Would like to Add or Change the names of some of the default sections under the Manage Request Form section

All ideas

Showing 423 of 423

remove automated emails to group managers when payment is applied

Each time I apply a partial payment to an invoice, the system is sending an email to the group manager which shows that payment but also shows the past due amount. This is prompting the groups to reach out to me thinking they still owe money. This...
Judi Simpson about 1 month ago in Notifications 3 Being Reviewed

District Admins "Awaiting Payment" status change

The Awaiting payment status should be able to be overwritten by the District admin of the site without having to change the Require Payment before Approval setting and restarting approval on the request.
Dan Grassel about 1 month ago in Contracts/Invoicing 0 Being Reviewed

Add an events external notes to an invoice

We think it would be useful to have external notes from a contract viewable on an invoice. Sometimes there are additional bits of information that would be useful to view without having to print an extra set of pages.
Guest 22 days ago in Contracts/Invoicing 0 Being Reviewed

Allow payment to be required before approval WITHOUT requiring invoicing on approval

It would be useful to manually invoice an event AND require payment before approval, not only have the required payment before approval option for automatically invoicing on approval. I usually need to edit the invoice before it is automatically s...
Angela Mckeown 22 days ago in Approval Paths 0 Being Reviewed

Color Code for Submitted and Approved Request. Two-Part Request

PART 1: When a requestor submits a request, the submitted request should be color coded as PENDING APPROVAL (YELLOW or color of choice). Once it is approved, it will change to GREEN. Allow ML Approvers to choose the color for PENDING APPROVAL and ...
Rodney Transfiguracion 6 months ago in Calendar 0 Being Reviewed

Custom Reports needs an export to excel button

I was looking for a way to export custom reports the same you would do Summary Reports and Detailed Reports and there is no obvious option on how to do that. I was able to figure out a work around by Scheduling my custom report, entering in my ema...
Dan Grassel 3 months ago in  0 Being Reviewed

Select "All" Option in Multiple Spaces on One Date

We have buildings that like to book all their spaces for an event. A select all option after clicking view would be a time saver instead of clicking all the space boxes.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Request Submission 2 Future consideration

In-App Announcement

As an admin in ML Schedules, I would like to be able to put out a message to all users or ones within specific classifications for them to see when they login.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Calendar 0 Planned

Multi-Day Blocked Dates

I would love to be able to submit a multi-day blocked date. Currently, I have to set up the event from 12:00am-11:45pm on each separate day, which looks messy and confusing on the calendar. As the facility use coordinator for our district, I not o...
Chris Gentile 11 months ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 0 Future consideration

Per day hourly charge

In the manage fields section, it would be helpful to be able to be able to do a per day hourly charge instead of only having the option to do per event or hour. For instance, currently when someone rents two spaces, it charges double for equipment...
Erika Berg 7 months ago in Fields/Event Types 1 Being Reviewed