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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...
PINNED Ability to Edit/Add Sections on a Request Form
Would like to Add or Change the names of some of the default sections under the Manage Request Form section

All ideas

Showing 269

Edit Insurance

We require re-approval if someone modifies their insurance. It would be nice for a message to be displayed to the end user so they know they will need to go through re-approval before updating, as it may cause a delay.
Chris Gentile 9 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Future consideration

Ability to Delete more than one event in a recurring request

It would be useful to be able to have the ability to delete more than one event at a time in a reservation request with multiple occurrences. For example, our district has an after-school program called SAFE for students. This is a weekly recurren...
Angela Mckeown 10 months ago in Editing/Viewing a Request 0 Future consideration

List Of Occurrence(s) - Chronological Order

There are staff members in our district who print out the approved request email or request details PDF to reference. On a multiple date request, under "Recurring Information" the List of Occurrence(s) dates are listed in numerical order by month....
Megan Merlo 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Booking on behalf with expired insurance.

As an admin in the system, we can book on behalf of others and override certain things. Expired insurance should be one of those. It's clumsy to go and change the insurance expiration date, book on bahalf of, then go and change the date back. Ofte...
Adam Rosencrantz 6 months ago in General Admin Settings 1 Future consideration

calendar information/blocked dates to have their own color coding

With 9 locations within our district, background colors for locations need to be distinctive to the eye.Seeing the blocked dates and calendar information in its own unique color would be beneficial to viewers using the calendar without filters to ...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information / Calendar 0 Future consideration

I would like to see a checkbox for "view to public" as an option when adding an event.

Our school district uses this system for all of our events. I would like to have the option to hide it from the public for the safety of our students and staff.
Guest 4 months ago in Public Display Settings 0 Future consideration

More space filters

It would be helpful to classify the space types as indoor and outdoor spaces. This then would be helpful in creating filters, running reports, adding block dates etc.
Maria Tivoli 10 months ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 3 Future consideration

Fees by External Orgs

It would be nice to be able to create fees for specific organizations and not just by site/space. I have a few ext orgs who have their own fee schedule.
Ginny Hall 4 months ago in Contracts/Invoicing 1 Future consideration

Contract Signature Does not Appear When Printing Request

I would like the signature to populate when using the print or print contact option, as we need to email the request with the signature attached after.
Dan Grassel 11 months ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period

We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...
Chris Gentile 11 months ago in Request Submission 0 Future consideration