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Created by Dan Grassel
Created on Sep 12, 2024

Create Work Order permission in MLS

MLS with the MLW integration allows you to have Work Orders be created x days before an event but if you you use the Action feature to create a Work order, it will stop the automation of the WO being created thus causing confusion for our District.

It would be nice if there was a specific permission in MLS for creating a work order from withing an approved event. That way we can assign that permission to users without them being an admin

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    Chris Gentile
    Sep 17, 2024

    Hi Kelly,

    Thanks for the feedback. Any field information will get brought over when the work order is created so this is the correct route. If you have any feedback on this process, let me know and I will see what we can do!

  • kelly smith
    Sep 17, 2024

    We had to be creative in this area too so we can have a work order created automatically and be user friendly with detailed instructions for set ups etc.

    Most users/teachers put instructions in the "Event Notes" which does not create a Work Order.

    I added a field under Additional Information which we made a required field to complete. See the photos. It has been working.

  • Dale Ashauer
    Sep 16, 2024

    This is a must-have feature for us. I currently have to give admin rights to our head custodians so they can create work orders that are associated with particular events. It's not that I don't trust them, but why should I have to expose other users data (addresses, invoices, etc.) just so we can have event-associated work orders? It was the major selling point of the MLS/MLW system for us. But if the salesman said, "But you'll have to give everyone who needs that feature district admin rights" we probably would have kept shopping.

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