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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Ability to Edit/Add Sections on a Request Form
Would like to Add or Change the names of some of the default sections under the Manage Request Form section
PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...

All ideas

Showing 422 of 422

Mass approval

It would be useful to be able to mass approve multiple request sequences at once instead of having to do each sequence individually. Being a rather busy district, it would help sites and the admin with efficiency while approving events instead of ...
Guest 6 months ago in Approval Paths 6 Future consideration

Add filters for time of day

It would be nice if we could get the calendar view to only show events for specific times, ie after 4 PM. This would be very useful for printing out calendars for the evening staff's use.
Morse Day Lead 5 months ago in Calendar 0 Future consideration

Past Due Invoices in Email Log for Users

We recently turned on Past due invoice emails and noticed that they are not shown in the Users Email Log. After talking with Support we were informed that Automated emails like this don't typically show in the email log since its an automated emai...
Dan Grassel 4 months ago in Notifications 0 Being Reviewed

Separating Bypass Min/Max Days

When Bypass Min/Max Days permission is applied, the user can enter an event for any date. We require 30-days notice for events, but also book by season. If a group didn't enter an event and they are within that 30-day notice we apply the Bypass, b...
Deirdre Scarola 20 days ago in General Admin Settings 0 Being Reviewed

Schedule ID needs to be clickable like Request ID on Reports

Being able to click on the Schedule ID and have it open to the series when viewing on a report would be ideal. The Request ID already functions this way. Being able to have this same functionality for Schedule IDs as we already have with Request I...
Dan Grassel about 1 month ago in Editing/Viewing a Request / Reports 0 Being Reviewed

Prevent Groups from changing their name

We require insurance, so the group's name needs to be identical to what is on the insurance file. Once we approve a group, we don't want them to be able to adjust their name.
Chris Gentile 10 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Planned

Request on behalf confirmation emails

In the past when submitting a request on behalf of a group we would get 2 emails - 1 saying the reservation is confirmed and 1 saying it was approved. Since the newest release we have not been getting those emails. We would like people who are sub...
Dan Grassel 3 months ago in  5 Being Reviewed

Create an mobile app for users

I believe a mobile app would be a great idea for support staff and managements use on the go.
Guest 8 months ago in Integrations 1 Future consideration

Ability to adjust additional charges based on certain parameters

We would like to be able to charge only one custodial or clean-up fee for a group submitting multiple room reservations at one location during the same time frame. We currently charge an hourly rate with a minimum but if more than one space is sel...
Guest about 1 month ago in Contracts/Invoicing 0 Being Reviewed

Have an option to have a daily email, like upcoming events and blocked dates, that only shows a specific # of days out (5/10/30 ect.) and any changes from the previous days email to any current events.

With the previous scheduling system the district had, we got a daily email of the events that were 30 days away, not all the events for 30 days. Also if any events were added to the system or changed, we received an email as soon as it was added o...
Guest 4 months ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 1 Future consideration