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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...

Request Submission

Showing 18

Ability to have different request forms based on classification

I would like each classification to have a specific request form - Some questions are not relevant to employees and this will alleviate confusion.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in General Admin Settings / Request Submission 3 Shipped

Customize The Request Form

As a technology and facility director, I would like to be able to edit the "Sections" field of the facility request to better capture and organize information. This Includes: Changing the Section Names and Re-ordering them Re-order the fields with...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in General Admin Settings / Request Submission 2 Shipped

Show/Hide Fields Dependent on Other Questions

On the Request Form can we add mandatory sections, then that generates a drop down. For example: Is IT support needed? Yes/No Then if Yes, the form expands to include specifics for the event. We would also like to do the same dropdowns for A/V sup...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Request Submission 0 Shipped

Request on Behalf of a NON primary group manager

When you request on a group's behalf, only the primary manager is an option. I want to be able to select other managers within the group.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Classification/Groups/Users / Request Submission 3 Shipped

Remove Attachment Section

I want to remove the attachment section from our request form. It isn't very clear to some users.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Request Submission 0 Shipped

Sort Fields

I would like to be able to sort my fields, so I know how they display on the request form.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Fields/Event Types / General Admin Settings / Request Submission 0 Shipped

Approval Path based on Selected Fields (Request Form)

For example - Do you need I.T support - If that is selected to YES, follow the I.T approval path.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Approval Paths / Request Submission 0 Shipped

Remove Calendar Click

If I click a blank space on the calendar, I don't want to be redirected to the new request page, which can be very time-consuming if I make an accidental click.
Chris Gentile 10 months ago in Calendar / Request Submission 0 Shipped

Y/N Field should not have note section next to it unless they choose Y/N with Required Notes

I would like the notes portion of the y/n field to be removed as it is causing confusion.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Request Submission 0 Shipped

Mark Frequency as required and set default

Our users are getting caught up with the Frequency button. Because it does not have an asterisk, our users skip that field when submitting a request. The problem is that if they are submitting a request for multiple days, the system will not accep...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Request Submission 0 Shipped