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ML Schedules Idea Portal


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Spaces - Additional Information in Confirmation Email

For each of our sites, we have a custodial cell number that clients use if there are issues with their rental. Being able to add that contact number in the approval confirmation emails for the site specific custodians to our end users would be bey...
Dan Grassel about 1 month ago in Locations / Notifications 0 Being Reviewed

Be able to make spaces available before or after a certain time by Classifcation

I would like to be able to make a space *only available after 6:00pm due to school sports.* I don't want to do the "Manage Blocked Dates" on every single day this fall.
Guest 7 months ago in Locations / Request Submission 1 Future consideration

Ability to show/hide spaces on Group level

Right now we can show space availability based on the classification level. It would be great to be able to limit this on the Group level as well.
Dan Grassel about 1 month ago in Classification/Groups/Users / Locations 0 Being Reviewed

Display when a location is blocked because of a separate reservation.

If there are two different locations that will block one another, looking at the Calendar for one location should show the events that are booked in the second location that is blocking the first location. I created a location "Full Auditorium Spa...
Lorraine Fiorre about 1 month ago in Locations 3 Being Reviewed

Additional spaces suggested

I think it would be really useful to have "suggested" spaces come up that renters can add on so they don't miss them, or we don't have a million different entries for one event. For example, if a renter is requesting the Stadium, it could prompt t...
Guest 3 months ago in Locations 1 Being Reviewed

Allow different Sites to have Common Spaces

My district has a Middle School and a High School that are in a connected building, and they have shared spaces. For example, they both share the Little Theater but, the Middle and High Schools are different Sites, therefore, there is no way to co...
Tracy Coates 5 months ago in Locations 0 Being Reviewed

Ability to Select multiple spaces when Mass Updating Space Rates

While using the feature to Mass update space rates, it worked as intended but it was a bit cumbersome to get through. I select the Site/Space Type but when I am selecting the spaces, I have to select the space 1 at a time. It would make the featur...
Dan Grassel 3 months ago in General Admin Settings / Locations 0 Being Reviewed

Classifications Allowed by Space Type

I would like the ability to mass update space types for classifications allowed. We can already mass update rates by space type, and rates are based on classifications. When I add a new classification, they are suddenly added to all spaces. Curren...
Emily Streit 9 months ago in Locations 0 Future consideration

Days in Future Allowed for Spaces

Allow this setting to be configured for each space. I would like certain spaces to only be reserved x amount of days out.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Locations 3 Future consideration

Min/Max Hours Limit for Spaces

For example, for internal staff, there is no charge but there is a 2-hour limit for the classroom. External users can only book the classroom if it is a minimum of 3 hours. 
Chris Gentile 12 months ago in Locations / Request Submission 0 Future consideration