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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...

Request Submission

Showing 44 of 423

See Rates before submitting an event (even before estimated costs)

I want users to be able to see a list of charges before actually entering a request and seeing the estimated costs. They don't want users to have to go through the whole submission process before seeing that.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Contracts/Invoicing / Request Submission 0 Future consideration

Submitting a Request - One Time Event

When viewing availabiltiy you can adjust the start date, but not the end date. So users need to change all the info at the top vs just changing the dates at the bottom and checking for availability in real time. This works for other freuqnecy sele...
Chris Gentile 2 months ago in Request Submission 0 Being Reviewed

Classification Setting to require Notes when submitting a request

To be able to enable the Notes section as a required field for describing setups. This way our custodians will have clear direction and groups won't be limited to a small text field to describe their event or even skip the notes section. Maybe eve...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Classification/Groups/Users / Request Submission 0 Future consideration

Requesting Set up and/or Clean up times

Instead of having requestors enter the minutes for set up and clean it, it would be easier if a time could be selected. Some of our groups get confused and fill out the set up/clean up incorrectly, or they disregard it all together. The requestor ...
Maria Tivoli 7 months ago in Request Submission 7 Being Reviewed

Request time window

Having the ability to set a window of when requests can be submitted (per classification). We do not allow overnight requests. If we could set (per classification) operating hours of when requests can be submitted it would be helpful. Right now we...
Maria Tivoli 9 months ago in Request Submission 12 Future consideration

have custom fields default to certain values based on certain parameters (ex. classifications and time of events)

This pertains to invoicing - But for custom fields such as custodian - I want to be able to default a field to be selected to YES - for example outside group need a custodian for weekends - I want that field to default to YES automatically for any...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Request Submission 0 Future consideration

Double booking a space after a request has previously been approved

We currently have double booking enabled for a certain classification but this only works if requests are pending. You are not able to double book if a request from another group has previously been approved. We are currently running into issues w...
Monica Hernandez 5 months ago in Request Submission 3 Will not implement

Allow multiple dates for the same space but different times on a single request

I have a basketball team holding tryouts for two consecutive dates, but with different times on each date. Would like to not have to submit two event requests; maybe there could at least be a "duplicate" option for the additional dates (to copy th...
Guest 6 months ago in Request Submission 1 Already exists

Require Setup/Breakdown Field

I would like to force users to enter a setup and breakdown in minutes when submitting a request.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in General Admin Settings / Request Submission 0 Future consideration

Requesting a space for the same date but multiple times

We often need to book an LGI for several class periods a day. If the classes are 1st and 7th, two separate requests need to be completed. Is there a way to complete one request that books for both times?
Guest 7 months ago in Request Submission 1 Future consideration