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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Double booking a space after a request has previously been approved

We currently have double booking enabled for a certain classification but this only works if requests are pending. You are not able to double book if a request from another group has previously been approved. We are currently running into issues with groups overbooking a space and not allowing other groups to submit requests. Our Director would like an option where he can determine which group should take priority.

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    • Admin
      Chris Gentile
      Sep 13, 2024

      Hi Monica,

      I think I have a solution. I messaged Nick and Chris since you were working with them!

    • Monica Hernandez
      Sep 13, 2024

      If you can create an option that we are able to double-book after a group has been approved and still receive conflict notifications, that would be ideal for my district.

    • Admin
      Chris Gentile
      Sep 13, 2024

      Hi Everyone,

      Thanks for submitting the idea. Another option you have in this case is marking specific spaces always available. This will allow anyone to submit at any time, even if something is approved. However, since it's always available, it will NOT generate conflicts. However, the approvers will still see if something is going on.

      Do you still want this option to generate conflicts so it's easier to manage all of those requests?

      We have had other districts do this, but they leave requests pending until a certain amount of time to let multiple people submit requests.