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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...
PINNED Ability to Edit/Add Sections on a Request Form
Would like to Add or Change the names of some of the default sections under the Manage Request Form section

All ideas

Showing 12

Include All Site Names

When there is a multiple space/site request - Only the first site is displayed on the calendar. It would be beneficial if all sites and spaces were displayed instead.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Calendar / Notifications 0 Planned

Prevent Groups from changing their name

We require insurance, so the group's name needs to be identical to what is on the insurance file. Once we approve a group, we don't want them to be able to adjust their name.
Chris Gentile 9 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Planned

In-App Announcement

As an admin in ML Schedules, I would like to be able to put out a message to all users or ones within specific classifications for them to see when they login.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Calendar 0 Planned

Discontinue the "Do you wish to deny the remaining pending events"

Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Approval Paths / Editing/Viewing a Request 0 Planned

Search on Calendar View should bring you to request month

When searching for a request ID on the calendar view search bar, it will only show the event if you have the exact month the event occurs already open on the screen. Is it possible to have a request ID search adjust the month that is showing to sh...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Calendar 2 Planned

Entering Blocked Dates but hide them

I want to use the blocked dates feature, but hide them from the Calendar from everyone except admins.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information / Calendar 1 Planned

Remove the ability to create duplicate groups

Somehow work to prevent duplicate groups from being created in MLS. It's become quite crowded with multiple groups using the same names etc and we are having to chase down COI, but if they were under one group then we would have all of that info t...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Planned

Link to manage groups

That link is designed to bring you to the Manage Groups page, it is not currently going to bring you directly to the group who is pending. What I would recommend is to have this page filtered by "Status" instead of Group Name, so each time you ope...
Chris Gentile 11 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Planned

Add Additional Notify Users as columns on Manage Sites and Spaces grids

To make the site administration more user friendly, the option to add more columns to reports would save massive amounts of time for users. There are a couple of areas where this would be useful: with staff changing more frequently in past year or...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Locations / Reports 0 Planned

Approve Group Applications via Email

There are currently approve and decline buttons for event requests. It would be beneficial to have this for Group Applications as well. Can we just show all data filled out on the group registration form within the email as well as any files uploa...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Classification/Groups/Users / Notifications 0 Planned