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ML Schedules Idea Portal
Status Shipped
Created by Emily Streit
Created on Oct 30, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit MLS-I-421 Bring back the strikethrough font on cancelled events.

Strikethrough and listing spaces for Cancelled events Merged

We need to bring back the option to strikethrough canceled events, also, list each space occurrence on the calendar. Groups are getting confused it is creating hardship among staff. The strikethrough made it clear it was cancelled. For multiple space requests, it should list each space on the calendar visually without having to click it. We need to see if all spaces were canceled or just some within a multiple space use in one day. Our staff thinks they canceled an event when they just canceled the main gym portion of the request and not the aux gym as well. It is not clear that they need to view all occurrences, and even if they do do that, it is endless scrolling for finding the dates and space to cancel. On the reservation page it would be nice to see both spaces listed and the option to cancel each space individually for that day from that first page.