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ML Schedules Idea Portal
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Categories Request Submission
Created by Chris Gentile
Created on Feb 1, 2024

Mark Frequency as required and set default

Our users are getting caught up with the Frequency button. Because it does not have an asterisk, our users skip that field when submitting a request. The problem is that if they are submitting a request for multiple days, the system will not accept their request unless they select a feature in the Frequency field. I am wondering if you make that a required field, will that solve their problem? I tried to find the setting to change it myself, but do not see it.

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Exchange 'One Time Event' for Daily (Weekdays Only) as the Frequency default

There have been multiple declinations followed by frustration due to the current Frequency default. Is this is not possible to change, then give System Admin the capability to change the Frequency. The other side of this is that requests do not al...
Kim Semmelroth 7 months ago in Request Submission 0 Shipped