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ML Schedules Idea Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Approval Paths
Created by Lisa Wagner
Created on Jun 19, 2024

Approve events window closes after approvals are done

When I go to the events awaiting my approval, and I select multiple events to approve at the same time, after the "# events have been approved" message pops up, could that window automatically close and take me back to the other events waiting for approval?

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  • Lisa Wagner
    Jun 19, 2024

    Yes, that would work (closing the message will return me to the schedule view). Thanks!

  • Admin
    Chris Gentile
    Jun 19, 2024

    Hi @Guest - I would need to look into this more since the only way to bulk approve events is in the "Schedule View," where you view all occurrences. I think sometimes, when someone is in that view, they're doing multiple things, so returning to that page automatically may not always be intended.

    Maybe on the confirmation page, there can be a link to take you back to that page, or you can close the message to return to the schedule view. Would that work?

  • Lisa Wagner
    Jun 19, 2024

    Hi, yes I believe that is what I mean... After doing the mass approval, and receiving the confirmation message, could the system just redirect me back to the "waiting for approval" page automatically?

  • Admin
    Chris Gentile
    Jun 19, 2024

    Hi @Guest Are you referring to when you go to a recurring event, and mass approve - Do you want it to automatically redirect you to your awaiting approval page?

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