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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Blocked Dates/Calendar Information

Showing 5

Blocked Dates at separate spaces being joined into one when name matches

When Blocked Dates have the exact same title. it is causing some sort of calendar glitch to only show the first instance. meaning if you have two blocked dates for "Floor Refinishing" one in a range from 8/1 to 8/7 at one space, and a 2nd blocked ...
Dan Grassel 4 days ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 0 Being Reviewed

Have an option to have a daily email, like upcoming events and blocked dates, that only shows a specific # of days out (5/10/30 ect.) and any changes from the previous days email to any current events.

With the previous scheduling system the district had, we got a daily email of the events that were 30 days away, not all the events for 30 days. Also if any events were added to the system or changed, we received an email as soon as it was added o...
Guest 25 days ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 1 Being Reviewed

Available Time Blocks on Calendar

Our school district has specific time blocks we'd like user groups to be able to choose from. By being able to set up our calendar with open time blocks, it would help the community group to know what is available and saves our admin from having t...
Erin McMillan about 2 months ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 0 Being Reviewed

Ability to turn off Blocked Dates in Upcoming Events email

In our 24.4 update the Blocked Dates was added to the upcoming events email. We are looking for an option to turn those off for users that don't want to see those emails
Dan Grassel 3 months ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information / Notifications 0 Being Reviewed

Copy Blocked Dates

Having the ablility to copy blocked dates. For schools districts we have different schedules per building, having the ability to duplicate block dates and change the building and time rather than selecting custom blocked dates for each building wo...
Guest about 1 month ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 0 Being Reviewed