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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Color Code for Submitted and Approved Request. Two-Part Request

PART 1: When a requestor submits a request, the submitted request should be color coded as PENDING APPROVAL (YELLOW or color of choice). Once it is approved, it will change to GREEN. Allow ML Approvers to choose the color for PENDING APPROVAL and APPROVED to their visual liking.

PART 2: If above Part 1 is accepted or adopted, and if the organization has multiple people to review before FINAL APPROVAL is completed, the Part 1 color code will still be active (showing PENDING COLOR). This would be beneficial to see what events are PENDING and APPROVED.

As each reviewer reads the request, he or she clicks on REVIEWED (if that was a checkbox), than the next reviewer will be notified via email stating a "ML Request is pending your review". After all reviews have been reviewed, the Final Approver will be notified like the others and should take action to approve.

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