You should be able to view all the calendar details on a request with just the View All Request roles permission. I think the capability to see the details on the calendar and being able to produce reports on events are two separate capabilities a...
Please bring back the calendar click. It is much more convenient to click on the date and time you want on the calendar to enter an event and have it pre-populated on the New Request than to click the New Request and enter all that information eve...
It would be helpful to have the option of a fixed filter view. There are many spaces we reserve that most people do not need to see on the calendar. I view with a filter that is the main view for people would be beneficial
about 1 month ago
in Calendar
Being Reviewed
Today calendar button should show actual current date on screen
Customer is requesting that the functionality of the "Today" button on the calendar show the actual current date on the screen instead of the current month.
Dan Grassel
2 months ago
in Calendar
Being Reviewed
Remove Event from MLS when room is removed in Google
The adjustments in Google: I am removing a space from the calendar Rooms and I am writing the new location in the text box - with no link to another calendar/building space. Essentially I am just removing the room that this event was synced in und...
ML Schedule Calendar View based on Form selection. For example, If a custodial personal form is selected > The title of the event can have a Colored Dot next to the event.
ML Schedule Calendar View based on Form selection. For example, If a custodial personal form is selected > The title of the event can have a Colored Dot next to the event.
Currently the month name does not stay put when you scroll down the calendar. You wind up running into the next month and don't always realize it. It would be great if the month stayed but while you scrolled and then changed as the month changed.
Michelle DeMasi
4 months ago
in Calendar
Being Reviewed