Each event affects multiple staff members in the buildings. A recurring report will send a list of events that is happening in their area with setup and special requests to the individuals that don't necessary use the system on a regular basis. For instance, a regular daily custodian will access email, but won't login to ML Schedules. They can read the requests and needs from the report generated. rSchool has this option and we used it regularly.
We have a similar feature called "Upcoming Events." This is a report for anyone who is set to be additionally notified. You can create specific fields or allocate users to specific locations to be notified. From there, they will receive a daily report and won't even need to log in. The report will include all General information and setup information.
I have provided a few articles below to get you started. If you have any questions, please feel free to submit a support ticket; someone can also walk you through this process. https://support.mlschedules.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
1st Article - https://support.mlschedules.com/hc/en-us/articles/11452390446875-Mass-Update-Additionally-Notified-Users
2nd Article - https://support.mlschedules.com/hc/en-us/articles/11452481339035-Setup-Email-Reminder-Send-Details-for-Events-Scheduled-for-the-following-of-Days
3rd Article - https://support.mlschedules.com/hc/en-us/articles/11452484484507-Notify-Staff-Based-On-A-Selected-Field