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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Blocked Dates/Calendar Information

Showing 5

ML Schedules Upcoming Events & Blocked Dates email reminder should include a notification of conflicts

We receive this reminder email of upcoming events for the next week for all sites. We trust that secretaries are careful of double booking and we allow them to override because some spaces are used by multiple groups or sometimes just the start an...
kelly smith 3 days ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 1 Being Reviewed

Add Calendar Information Emails in Email History

Submitting an idea on behalf of a customer support ticket where the admin was looking to see an email history for "Add Calendar Information" when they check any or all three boxes of who to notify and then they want to confirm in the email history...
Dan Grassel 14 days ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 0 Being Reviewed

Available Time Blocks on Calendar

Our school district has specific time blocks we'd like user groups to be able to choose from. By being able to set up our calendar with open time blocks, it would help the community group to know what is available and saves our admin from having t...
Erin McMillan 3 months ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 0 Being Reviewed

Blocked Date Report

currently, the only place blocked dates appear in terms of something that is able to be sent to users, is the upcoming events email for additionally notify users. we would like to have this on existing reports like summary and detail reports, but ...
Dan Grassel 27 days ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 0 Being Reviewed

Blocked Dates at separate spaces being joined into one when name matches

When Blocked Dates have the exact same title. it is causing some sort of calendar glitch to only show the first instance. meaning if you have two blocked dates for "Floor Refinishing" one in a range from 8/1 to 8/7 at one space, and a 2nd blocked ...
Dan Grassel about 1 month ago in Blocked Dates/Calendar Information 0 Being Reviewed