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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Ability to Edit/Add Sections on a Request Form
Would like to Add or Change the names of some of the default sections under the Manage Request Form section
PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...

All ideas

Showing 403 of 403

See Rates before submitting an event (even before estimated costs)

I want users to be able to see a list of charges before actually entering a request and seeing the estimated costs. They don't want users to have to go through the whole submission process before seeing that.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Contracts/Invoicing / Request Submission 0 Future consideration

Store Old Insurance Files

I would like to be able to store all old insurance files and reference them in ML Schedules.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Future consideration

Show Integrated Events on All Reports

I would like to see events from any integration we utilize to show in the reports. Please include this on custom reports.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Edit Request to a Past Date

I want to be able to edit a request to a past date. Right now, I have to do a complete new submission to accommodate this.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Editing/Viewing a Request 2 Future consideration

Request on behalf confirmation emails

In the past when submitting a request on behalf of a group we would get 2 emails - 1 saying the reservation is confirmed and 1 saying it was approved. Since the newest release we have not been getting those emails. We would like people who are sub...
Dan Grassel 2 months ago in  5 Being Reviewed

Multiple Space Request - Fields for Each Space

For a request with multiple spaces, the fields completed in the request form are applied to all the spaces in the request. In the initial request submission, I'd like to be able to request multiple spaces and select for each space the exact needs....
Megan Merlo 5 months ago in Request Submission 1 Being Reviewed

A user cancelling would always notify an admin and/or approver.

Is there a way for me as the person who approves/denies etc all requests to receive an email when a group cancels a request. This happened and I did not receive notification.
Guest 5 months ago in General Admin Settings 3 Already exists

Disable group access to Insurance Expiration Date field

We require our groups to have a current Certificate of Insurance on file, and actively use the insurance expiration date field. Because we also only allow groups to enter event requests up to their insurance expiration date, I have had groups go i...
Lisa Wagner 6 months ago in General Admin Settings 5 Future consideration

Change Requestor v2 - Bulk Update

The change requestor feature is great for single events. However, as an admin doing this for recurring events would save us a lot of time. This should include the group as well.
Chris Gentile 6 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users / Editing/Viewing a Request 0 Future consideration

Revamp Refunds

When you refund an invoice its looked at as a payment which is technically wrong. We need to show we recieved a payment, and have the refund option balance out the invoice and zero it out.
Chris Gentile 6 months ago in Contracts/Invoicing 0 Being Reviewed