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ML Schedules Idea Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Would like to see options at the administration level for only allowing groups the ability to request facilities during a specific time period
We are trying to create a system that would make facility usage equitable among non-school-related groups. Facility use requests by outside groups are at an all-time high, and with limited spaces available, we are having a hard time making usage f...
PINNED Ability to Edit/Add Sections on a Request Form
Would like to Add or Change the names of some of the default sections under the Manage Request Form section

All ideas

Showing 423 of 423

Integrate with Schoology

Would like to be able to transfer events over from schoology to ML Schedules
Guest 7 months ago in Integrations 1 Future consideration

Allow to delete multiple dates, or all dates in a recurring event.

ML allows to click specific dates (or all dates) when changing a recurring event, but you can't mass delete the recurring event.
Guest 7 months ago in Editing/Viewing a Request 0 Future consideration

Gallery View Setting

I would like there to be an option to see only the Gallery View if you log in. This will prevent users from seeing locations they don't have access to.
Chris Gentile 7 months ago in General Admin Settings / Request Submission 0 Being Reviewed

Create a calendar feed that does not include the Group in the extract

I am currently pulling a calendar feed to integrate into our webpage and other platforms, but I do not want the Group to be included in the extract. I would just like the name of the event, time, and location.
Donna Hemmer 7 months ago in Integrations 1 Already exists

Hide calendar information in the filter for public users

Staff calendar users cannot subscribe. Staff calendar has filter options to hide calendar information Public calendar does not allow the user to hide calendar information. Can it be an option for public calendar users to hide calendar information ...
Andy Emerine 7 months ago in Public Display Settings 1 Future consideration

Allow Admin to bypass 501c3 requirement

Our district loves the setting where groups are required to upload a 501c3 if they select one for those classifications. However, for existing groups, the insurance cannot be changed unless a 501c3 is uploaded. District Admin's should be able to b...
Maria Tivoli 7 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Future consideration

Conditional Approval Path and Notifiers

It would be nice to be able to have conditional approval paths and notifiers. Some ideas: If the booking is after 3pm, the approver is the facilities director, building principal, and the additional notifier is the night custodian. If the booking ...
Katie Harmon 8 months ago in Approval Paths 6 Future consideration

I'd like to have SAML loggings be able to map Azure ID group to a ML Schedules group. For example, a user that is a member of the Azure group "Visual Arts" should automatically be a group manager for "Visual Arts" in ML Schedules.

I'd like to have SAML loggings be able to map Azure ID group to a ML Schedules group. For example, a user that is a member of the Azure group "Visual Arts" should automatically be a group manager for "Visual Arts" in ML Schedules.
Eric Davidson 8 months ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Additional Filter Options on Calendar and Reports

Insurance Filter - Valid Insurance vs. Expired Insurance Payment Filter - Paid vs. Unpaid for each event
Dan Grassel 8 months ago in Calendar 0 Future consideration


Our admin office would love for a reminder weekly of upcoming spaces being use for the week. We often have spaces being reserved a year in advanced but do not get reminders and often do not have the chance to check weekly.
Guest 8 months ago in Notifications 1 Already exists