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ML Schedules Idea Portal


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Ability to add emails address to notifcations instead of just adding users that have accounts on ML

Lots of our custodians don't login to ML to get updates. It would be nice to be able to type their email address under notifcations tab on the fields.
Gunnar Stinson 4 months ago in Notifications 1 Being Reviewed

The red bubble over the bell clicked on unread to show oldest to newest or all unread instead of just 15

As the final approver for our entire district, I would like to see the oldest unread notifications when clicking on the red bubble so that I can get the oldest pending requests approved first. Or show all of them (more than 15) so I can scroll to ...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Notifications 0 Future consideration

Email notification for Insurance Expiration Date

We would like to get an email notification when a group changes their expiration date of insurance like there is an email notification when they upload a new certificate to their group. We have groups not uploading new certificates but just changi...
Maria Tivoli 9 months ago in Notifications 4 Future consideration

One confirmation sent for a series of dates (same place and time for each event)

When someone requests a series of dates-say for a lot of volleyball games that occur over months, the approval confirmations for EACH date can clog someone's email very quickly. We are looking for one confirmation that could cover all dates.
Guest 5 months ago in Notifications 3 Already exists

MLS Notification Settings

Similar to MLW, we would like each user to customize their own notification preferences.
Chris Gentile 10 months ago in Notifications 0 Future consideration

Notification to Admin when a new reservation request is submitted

It would be helpful if an email was sent to the Administrator that a request has been submitted in the system. As my district's only Facility Use Specialist, I would like to know when a new request has been submitted in the system so I can keep tr...
Angela Mckeown 10 months ago in Notifications 3 Being Reviewed

Notification for Viewing New Pending Requests

Are you able to add a tally icon of any new room reservation requests in the View side bar, similar to the User side bar notification tally that appears when a new user is requesting access?
Chris Gentile 12 months ago in Notifications 0 Future consideration

Profile Setting to Customize Upcoming Event Daily Email Reminder send time

Users would like the ability to change the times the daily upcoming email reminder goes out. We have about 12 users who need to get the report at a specific time based on when we import the events from another program.
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Notifications 0 Future consideration

Start tracking and showing emails that are sent to non-users

When sending an email from a request to users not in the system, there is no way to track the emails to see what was sent. 
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Notifications / Reports 0 Future consideration

We are able to send emails from a request, but at this point, there is no way to track these emails

For one example, we need to send electricians and plumbers emails regarding specific details about requests; therefore, we need to be able to track which ones have been sent. There are several events that are being worked on at one time, so there...
Chris Gentile about 1 year ago in Notifications 0 Future consideration