Custom Report is not listed chronologically when exported
When we use the Custom report feature, we noticed that the export is not in chronological order. It is sorted by Request ID but not Date time. It would be beneficial if we could set a sort on the custom report.
Email sent to Requestor when Requesting on Behalf of
If a user's group settings are set to receive E-mails for "Only My Requests" they will not get an email notification when an admin is requesting on behalf of them. They need their setting to be set to "All Requests" which can get confusing. If req...
It would be helpful to have an email history of when the automated past due emails are sent as well as the MLS Administrator being cc'd on those emails. Another place they could be recorded is at the bottom of the invoice under the Invoice History.
It would be beneficial if Blocked Dates appeared on the reports, so users know when they are without looking at the calendar - This would be beneficial for the upcoming event's daily email as well.
There are situations where things are getting approved at the last minute, and there isn't enough time to get things done. Being notified about the event much sooner would be helpful.
Chris Gentile
about 1 year ago
in Notifications
looking for a way to assign users for certain setup requirements (i.e. they have 3 security personnel and they want a way to assign one to an event and have it notify them that they've been assigned. would also be cool if they could log in and see...