Your calendar format is spread out too much. It splits days and events into too many pages. Our past system utilized 2 pages for a similar time period as your system uses 12 pages. The first page has no information on it other than a title. You ha...
Chris Gentile
about 1 year ago
in Calendar / Reports
Future consideration
Contract Signature Does not Appear When Printing Request
I would like the signature to populate when using the print or print contact option, as we need to email the request with the signature attached after.
Dan Grassel
11 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Because of the new setting with allowing specific fields per classification, it would be great to allow for an export or report of the fields in the system along with the classifications they are associated with.
The calendar reports are not printer friendly. All versions have a large left margin. The monthly report has a page break after the Month title. Issues exist using both Chrome and Edge
Chris Gentile
about 1 year ago
in Calendar / Reports
Future consideration
There are staff members in our district who print out the approved request email or request details PDF to reference. On a multiple date request, under "Recurring Information" the List of Occurrence(s) dates are listed in numerical order by month....
Megan Merlo
4 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I need a report that auto-generates and shows which groups insurance will be expiring in the forthcoming month. I know MLS notifies the groups whose insurance is expiring based on my time settings. I need that report sent to me and other admins on...
Dale Ashauer
6 months ago
in Reports
Already exists
Currently, the only option to export the space rate report is a manual copy/paste, it would be great to have an option to export this directly from the system using an actions menu
Dan Grassel
7 months ago
in Reports
Being Reviewed