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ML Schedules Idea Portal


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Informational page for space fees and maps of facilities

We receive out of district request and requestors are sometimes unaware as to what a space is called causing them to reserve the incorrect spaces. It would be nice to have a page where we can attach maps of our sites with space names and cost per ...
Monica Hernandez 4 months ago in Locations 3 Already exists

Link MLW Spaces not searchable

When linking an MLS Space to a MLW Space, you must scroll until you find the space you are looking for. In many other areas of ML, you can just start typing part of the name and it will search for you. This would be very helpful when searching for...
Guest 6 months ago in Locations 1 Already exists

Location MAPS

It would be nice to have a map of where the meeting rooms are in each building. If there are maps already in place, could you direct me them? Thank you
Guest 7 months ago in Locations 4 Already exists