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ML Schedules Idea Portal


Showing 24

Creating New Group - Existing User

If I am in creating a new group, and the manager is already in the system, why can't I just select them? Just like the new(ish) feature when adding a manager to an existing group, it makes sense to be able to select from existing users.
Adam Rosencrantz 4 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Future consideration

Viewing Insurance Files

When you click on "View File" for a group, it opens in the same tab. It wold be great if it opened in a modal or even a new window. The rest of the site functions like this and I find myself closing the tab or window and of course having to log ba...
Adam Rosencrantz 5 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Future consideration

Existing Users as Group Contacts

When you are adding a Group Contact and they are already a user in the system it would be nice if there was an option like we have on adding Group Managers where we can pick from a list of existing users and have their User information populate ju...
Dan Grassel 5 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Future consideration

chat by email or chat platform with my groups using MLS

I have mulitple rolls with my school. I would love all facility communication to be done through MLS rather than my school email to keep from overfilling my regular email with facilities questions
Guest 6 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 2 Future consideration

allow page jumping or searches on group manager lookup

the group manager page on Manage groups only lists a small list of individuals, so if the groups are a shared group for the district and we need to make changes, we have to manually go through the pages to get to edit the group manager settings. w...
Dan Grassel 6 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Future consideration

Change Requestor v2 - Bulk Update

The change requestor feature is great for single events. However, as an admin doing this for recurring events would save us a lot of time. This should include the group as well.
Chris Gentile 6 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users / Editing/Viewing a Request 0 Future consideration

High-Level field Configuration Report

Because of the new setting with allowing specific fields per classification, it would be great to allow for an export or report of the fields in the system along with the classifications they are associated with.
Dan Grassel 6 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users / Reports 0 Future consideration

Add Setting to Remove Option for Users to Add their own Groups from Profile Page

When new users to the system are logged in via SAML and their group is already created for them, there are some who are going in and creating their own groups instead, rather than just using the groups that were created for them. We are looking fo...
Dan Grassel 7 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Future consideration

Allow Admin to bypass 501c3 requirement

Our district loves the setting where groups are required to upload a 501c3 if they select one for those classifications. However, for existing groups, the insurance cannot be changed unless a 501c3 is uploaded. District Admin's should be able to b...
Maria Tivoli 7 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 0 Future consideration

Group Contact Field

We have several community groups who might be scheduled by 1 manager, but the persons at the event are someone else. We have to have emergency contact info for the "adult-in-charge" at all events. It would be very helpful to have an "Event Contact...
Dale Ashauer 8 months ago in Classification/Groups/Users 3 Future consideration